There are many things that you can do to encourage your employees to achieve the best they can – for their own growth and for that of your business. Here are some tips:
1. If you develop and encourage them, your staff can be an inspiration
2. Hire sales people who really know clients or train them so they do.
3. Train management and staff regularly: it is an investment for your business
4. Empowering your staff makes them feel they can make some decisions in the business and have a degree of ownership
5. You can't expect to retain good staff unless you pay and/or reward them
6. Create a ‘family’ atmosphere to reduce staff turnover. Many people are happy working for others as long as they feel valued
7. Provide scope for staff equity to improve loyalty and commitment
8. Have regular training to teach your business system
9. Delegate key management tasks so staff understand everyone's role, including that of the principals. You can't hold on to or do everything yourself in your business and the art of delegating is something that needs to be learned
10. Don't use half-measures with training. If you can't afford training in the early days then pass on as much information as you can to your staff. Then allocate part of your profits to training. It is always an investment in your business
11. Use a staff mentoring or buddy system to train up new with old staff. Never leave a new member of staff to fend for themselves
12. Integrate your staff cultures for better understanding and then better productivity. If you tell people what you expect from the start and put your goals and objectives in your mission statement, and any internal policies in writing, and prominently display them in your business, you will be surprised how staff will support them
13. Incorporate enjoyment in your business. People want to enjoy their work and respond to a positive environment
14. Create an enjoyable workplace environment to keep staff - especially highly mobile, young high fliers. This means having a bright, office with lots of light and an atmosphere conducive to enjoyment
15. Understand the importance of industrial relations and sensible dealings with key unions. You have certain legal responsibilities to your staff and the last thing you want is trouble with unions. Understand your legal obligations in the first place to avoid any conflict. Join an employers group to help you in this area
16. Employ the right people and if necessary seek help with employee recruitment
17. Try new things to keep staff enthusiastic
18. Write down an Innovation Plan and try to get staff involved in idea production
19. Build a terrific relationship with your staff and lead from the front
20. Emphasise teamwork
21. Pay for the best people for the best results
22. Like and respect your workforce for the best results
23. Build your people around the business, not the reverse
24. Give profit incentives to staff. If they think you're making huge profits and not rewarding them sufficiently they'll leave you
25. Look for many ways to get the best out of your staff by learning about people management skills yourself
26. A mobile workforce with new age communication technology gives strong national presence without the heavy cost of too much real property to maintain
27. When it comes to paying your staff, be fully aware of the state award and all its complexities
28. Aim for better dollar-per-hour work practices.
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