Customer complaints are an unfortunate reality no matter what type of business you operate. Dealing with angry or upset customers can be difficult, particularly if your staff has never been given a standard protocol for handling complaints. Teaching your customer service staff how to respond appropriately to complaints and empowering them to offer resolutions will help you retain clients and improve client satisfaction with your services or products.
Step 1- Develop a protocol that addresses common complaints and outlines procedures to record and resolve complaints. Provide a series of resolutions that are acceptable to your company.
Step 1- Develop a protocol that addresses common complaints and outlines procedures to record and resolve complaints. Provide a series of resolutions that are acceptable to your company.
Step 2- Provide customer service staff members with copies of the protocol and hold a training session to help them learn how to respond appropriately to complaints. Begin by explaining how to document and log complaint calls, emails and in-person complaints.
Step 3- Summarize the basic points of your protocol during the training session. Your protocol might include thanking the customer for contacting the company, apologizing to the customer for any inconvenience, taking detailed information regarding the complaint, investigating the complaint and providing a resolution.
Step 4- Ask employees to watch a demonstration of several types of customer complaints and service representative responses. Show both good and bad examples of complaint handling. Enlist employees to play the roles of customers and representatives or use an employee training film.
Step 5- Begin a role-playing exercise by asking staff members to work with supervisors who will play the role of an unhappy customer. Ask staff members to consult the complaint protocol in formulating their responses. Evaluate staff members’ performances and provide feedback.
Step 6- Hold weekly meetings to discuss customer complaints and problems that the customer service representatives have encountered. If a large number of complaints focus on one particular product or service, discuss the appropriate way to handle these complaints. Use the meetings to inform employees if there are issues with the company’s products or services that might result in higher than normal complaint calls.
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